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Vintage SAAB Events
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Be sure to let Chris know if you have a vintage SAAB event -- he'll be happy to list it here!


Saab Invitational Show and Parade at Pagoda Hill Climb 2013

Vasa Park, Agoura Hills, CA
Saturday June 22, 2013

Held in conjunction with the Nordic Spring Picnic.  All show cars granted free admittance.  Park features food, entertainment including swimming pool, water slide, log-rolling contest, paddle boats, games, tube slide and Vasa Mine.

Here's a link to the event flyer.

For More Information Contact:  

Vasa Seaborg vasa_seaborg_719@dslextreme.com


Volvo/Saab Gathering, Show & Picnic

Vasa Park, Agoura Hills, CA
May 19, 2013

Held in conjunction with the Nordic Spring Picnic.  All show cars granted free admittance.  Park features food, entertainment including swimming pool, water slide, log-rolling contest, paddle boats, games, tube slide and Vasa Mine.

Here's a link to the event flyer.

For More Information Contact:  

Vasa Seaborg vasa_seaborg_719@dslextreme.com


Vintage Volvo Challenge

Las Vegas Motor Speedway
October 4-6th, 2013

The Vintage Volvo Challenge was created in 2010 by Alan Berry as a way to bring like minded racers of vintage Swedish cars together to compare notes and swap stories, but mostly to race. And race they did. The first event was held at the historic Infineon Raceway (aka Sears Point) among the picturesque rolling hills of Sonoma CA, as a combined event with CSRG.

By all accounts the event was a success. Attendees travelled from as far as New York and from our Northern neighbor Canada as well as the many local  entrants from the Southwest. There were 17 cars at that inaugural event and the racing was tight and competitive. Several spectators also made the trek out to the event and many new friendships were formed.

The Vintage Volvo Challenge 2013 looks to be another “not to be missed” event and is starting to take shape. The date and location have been set for October 4-6th at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway in a combined event with the So Cal Vintage Auto Racing Association (VARA). You can find more information about VARA by visiting www.vararacing.com .

For More Information Contact:  

Alan Berry





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Last modified: January 27, 2025