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Be sure to let Chris know if you have a link that should be here -- he'll be happy to list it!

SAAB Club of North America, Inc.  (SCNA)
30 Puritan Drive
Port Chester, NY  10573
Seth Bengelsdorf, Membership Chairman
E-mail: nineseditor@earthlink.net,
URL: www.saabclub.com
Vintage SAAB Club of North America
Contact:  Bruce Turk, President
sonett1@frontiernet.net, URL: www.vintagesaabclub.org
Vintage SAAB Racing Group
Contact: Steven Church
stevesaab@comcast.net, URL: www.vintagesaab.com/vsrg
New England Saab Association
Contact:  Chris Mills
New England Saab Association (NESA)
P.O. Box 119, Keene, New Hampshire 03431
E-mail: info@nesaab.org, URL: www.nesaab.org
Chris Mills' Spirit of SAAB site
Contact: Chris Mills
E-mail: jcmills@cheshire.net, URL: www.geocities.com/cjmills9/

Chris Moberg's Sonett Site
Contact: Chris Moberg
E-mail: cmoberg@vintagesaab.com URL: www.vintagesaab.com/sonett
wrap-script-literals: no Formerly Svenska Saabregistret, this Swedish club site is maintained by Martin Bergstrand.
"This site is committed to the vintage two stroke Saabs. The Saab rally and racing history is interesting, a long history with remarkable results... The site is not completely translated into English, we plan to finish that by August 2002. But feel free to investigate the site in Swedish and mail us any questions."

"The web site is intended as an information resource and has been designed to efficiently accommodate one million users each month.  Currently, about 200,000 Saabers visit each and every month.  The flashy graphics of an entertainment site have been omitted, although you'll probably find it entertaining enough if you are a Saab fan."

Arthur from the Netherlands has created a very nice site as a tribute to the SAAB 96.  His fully-restored 1974 96 is featured along with some history and technical info.  Arthur writes, "As a great SAAB enthusiast and a proud owner of a beautiful orange SAAB 96 from 1974, I would like to share my SAAB enthusiasm with many other people, that’s why I have made this website."

Filip Ericsson is a Swedish Saab fan who has put together a site describing his life growing up in Sweden surrounded by Saabs.  It's a great read and should resonate with just about any Saab enthusiast -- check it out!

Saab parts at Parts Geek 

Parts Geek - Saab Parts
777 Route 70 East
Suite G-103
Marlton, NJ 08053
URL: https://www.partsgeek.com/makes/saab.html

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©VSAAB, 2001-2018   All rights reserved.  VSAAB is not affiliated with SAAB Cars USA or SAAB Automobile.
"VSAAB" is a trademark of the San Diego SAAB Owner's Group, San Diego, California USA.
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Last modified: January 27, 2025