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VSAAB FAQ Page -- Frequently Asked Questions
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VSAAB FAQ -- Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  What's a  VSAAB?
A:  "V" for vintage, "SAAB" for, well... SAAB!  The word Vintage in this case is used as an adjective meaning venerable, or classic.   Without getting into the many possible definitions for the word "classic", suffice it to say that many enthusiasts of early SAAB automobiles would agree that these machines could be described as both venerable and classic.

Q:  What's with the capitalization?  I thought Saab stopped capitalizing the name of their company years ago.
A:  They did.  I guess that's the point.  VSAAB deals exclusively with vehicles that were manufactured when the acronym was still an acronym.

Q:  Who's at the wheel?
A:  Chris Rogers (that's me) is the founder and webmaster of VSAAB and the moderator of The Vintage SAAB Mailing List.  He also runs the San Diego SAAB Owner's Group and is the webmaster for the SDSOG site.  At last count he had six SAABs in various conditions at his home and in his shop in San Diego:   two Sonetts, a 96, a 95, an SPG and a 900T.

Q:  What's all this about a VSAAB Membership Program?
A:  The idea is that some of us are more enthusiastic about our SAABing than others.  For us, there could never be enough SAAB stuff.  A paid membership would provide the funds needed to expand the VSAAB offerings for those who really wanted it.  Trouble is, funds are only half of the problem.  The other half (time) has been my enemy for over a year now.  I sincerely hope that I can soon rearrange my time in order to have more to spend on developing and maintaining a VSAAB membership program.  When I can, I will -- and you'll hear about it if you subscribe to The Vintage SAAB Mailing List.

Q:  How is VSAAB supported?
A:  Through classified ads on the website, parts sales and donations from vintage SAAB enthusiasts like you!  I donate my time in keeping the site up-to-date and running The Vintage SAAB Mailing List.  List subscribers and others who benefit from the information and ads on the site send donations which are used solely to cover the costs of the list software and the hosting of the website.  Your help keeps VSAAB from costing me a bundle and makes it possible to continue and grow the services VSAAB provides. 

If you feel that VSAAB & The Vintage SAAB Mailing List have helped you, please contribute what you feel the services are worth to you.  Every little bit helps!   The address is: 

10559 Lansford Lane
San Diego, CA  92126-5902

Thank you for supporting VSAAB!   Be sure to let me know if there is anything I can do to make VSAAB a better resource for you!


Have a question that is not answered here?  Send it to Chris by clicking HERE!


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All product and trade names mentioned on this site are the trademarks of their respective companies.
©VSAAB, 2000-2001   All rights reserved.  VSAAB is not affiliated with SAAB Cars USA or SAAB Automobile.
"VSAAB" is a trademark of the San Diego SAAB Owner's Group, San Diego, California USA.

Last modified: January 27, 2025