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VSAAB Angels - Road Trip Helpers
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VSAAB Angels - Road Trip and Car Evaluation Assistance

Southern USA

Contact Information Nearby Roadways -
Help Offered
Lester Ewing
923 Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy
Shreveport, LA  71105

318-869-0109 (work)
318-869-2132  (home)


Near I-20

Roadside Assistance
Vintage Parts
Emergency Lodging
Pre-purchase Evaluation


I got a big trailer and all the tools to fix 'em, place to sleep, maybe we could even push the Quantum out of the way to make room for yer 93B.
John Ryba
3227 Crestview Drive
Pineville, LA  71360



Near I-49, exit 84 to Pineville Expressway. Right in the center of gravity of Louisiana.

Roadside Assistance
Vintage Parts
Emergency Lodging
Pre-purchase Evaluation

If you need roadside help in central Louisiana, this is the place.  I can help you with everything for V4s - parts, tools and experience. Call for any help other than roadside too, or stop for coffee and stories if you are driving through.
Jason Russell
112 Florida
Dyess AFB, TX  79607

915-696-3157 (work)
915-698-6434  (home)


Near I-20, 83/84

Roadside Assistance
Emergency Lodging
Pre-purchase Evaluation

Plenty of experience in 900's, haven't started in Vintage, yet.  Not a lot of things automotive I can't figure out. I have plenty of tools, welder, air compressor, hand tools out the wazzoo, etc.
R. C. Barenchik
178 Center Drive
Rincon, GA  31326



Near I-95, I-16

Roadside Assistance
Emergency Lodging

Minutes from Savannah.  1/2 hour to Hilton Head.  Feel free to stop by and talk Saab.
Jonathan Dennis
1321 Christy Ave
Louisville, KY  40204



Near I-64, I-65, I-71, I-265

Roadside Assistance
Vintage Parts
Emergency Lodging
Pre-purchase Evaluation
I have some vintage SAAB parts and a decent amount of tools.  No off-street parking but a wide residential street that is safe to work on.
Clay McNeely
212 Cherokee Drive
Hereford, TX  79045



Near I-40, Hwy 385, Hwy 60, I-27
Roadside Assistance
Emergency and Non-Emergency Lodging
Pre-purchase Evaluation
Most experience with C900's.  Have done minor work on Sonett III.  Feel free to contact me if you need anything at all or if you just happen to be passing through.  I can assist with parts, tools, repairs, towing, lodging, directions, evaluations, etc... or at least try!


VSAAB Angel Sign-Up

By submitting the form below, you are offering your assistance to the vintage SAAB community at-large.  Please note that your listing here implies that emergency assistance will be rendered at no charge, parts excepted.

Name: Nearby Highways:

  Roadside Assistance
  Vintage Parts
  Emergency Lodging
  Pre-purchase Evaluation
City, State, ZIP:





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This information is subject to change without notice.  Please contact us if any information herein is found to be incorrect.
VSAAB, 2000-2009   All rights reserved.  VSAAB is not affiliated with SAAB Cars USA or SAAB Automobile.
"VSAAB" is a trademark of the San Diego SAAB Owner's Group, San Diego, California USA.
Last modified: January 27, 2025