VSAAB -- The Vintage SAAB Information Source!
VSAAB Angels - Road Trip Helpers
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VSAAB Angels - Road Trip and Car Evaluation Assistance

   The thought of driving a thirty year-old car across the country simply wouldn't enter most people's minds -- unless they were SAAB enthusiasts, of course.  There are few activities more enjoyable to a SAAB lover than a road trip in their favorite conveyance.  

   But even with meticulous preparation, an old machine is an old machine.   A long trip without a source of help along the route can quickly become a nightmare.  Luckily, we VSAABers (while rare) are sprinkled widely across the country and are eager to lend a hand when one of our own hits the road.  It's also a big help to have a fellow enthusiast check-out a car that we're considering purchasing, particularly when that car is far away from home.

  Here you'll find a collection of generous souls (oh...and me) who have volunteered to assist any and all intrepid vintage SAAB drivers as they wend their way cross-country, or around the block.  If you'd like to join the ranks of the VSAAB Angels, you'll find a form at the bottom of the page.

   On behalf of all VSAAB participants, thank you to those who have offered their expertise, spare parts and moral support.   These cars are meant to be driven!  With your help, more VSAABers will feel secure in letting their cars stretch their legs.

Chris Rogers, VSAAB

Western United States Midwest United States Eastern United States
Southern United States Other Locations

VSAAB Angel Sign-Up

By submitting the form below, you are offering your assistance to the vintage SAAB community at-large.  Please note that your listing here implies that emergency assistance will be rendered at no charge, parts excepted.

Name: Nearby Highways:

  Roadside Assistance
  Vintage Parts
  Emergency Lodging
  Pre-purchase Evaluation
City, State, ZIP:





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This information is subject to change without notice.  Please contact us if any information herein is found to be incorrect.
�VSAAB, 2000-2016  All rights reserved.  VSAAB is not affiliated with SAAB Cars USA or SAAB Automobile.
"VSAAB" is a trademark of the San Diego SAAB Owner's Group, San Diego, California USA.
Last modified: January 27, 2025